Friday 1 January 2016

Merry Blissmas (Biker bitches #3) By Jamie Begley

What can I say? I’m not a nice person. When I walk by, people call me a slut, and I’m okay with that. I believe in calling a spade a spade. I am a slut. 

With the holidays approaching, I miss belonging to The Last Riders. Drake’s keeping me warm, but he wants more than I can give. He wants me to trust him, to believe he can protect me. Doesn’t he know Santa put me on the Naughty List long ago? 

What can I say? I’m a nice guy and have always done the responsible thing. 

Bliss is everything I shouldn’t want, but it’s hard to resist a woman who stopped believing in miracles. She wants to be back with The Last Riders, whom she considers her true family. Doesn’t she know it’s Christmas, and miracles do happen? 

As much as I hated Bliss in the other Last Rider novels, I knew this book would be good. 
We get to see Bliss differently. Not as the bitch everyone sees her as. She is actually pretty awesome and her heart is huge. We also finally understand her fixation on Shade, and it isn't what we all believed it to be. 
Her past defined her, a lot. She wouldn't be who she was if it wasn't for her upbringing. How she survived, or lived through any of what she lived, is shocking. No wonder she was the way she was. 

Not only that, but my God, Drake is hotter than he was made out to be in the other books. Not only that but the Porters are also crazy LOL This novel proved that. I loved their humor, and Drake's domineering personality. He was so goddamn sexy it drove me insane.  
I honestly don't think Jamie can go wrong with her books LOL 

The only downfall was the ending. I would have liked to see more of Bliss as the person she was towards the end of the book. I found she had become who she really was the one. Throughout the book she always held back. Up until the end. I just wish it was longer. 
I would have also liked to have seen more come of Drake's ex wife. Seen her stir some trouble. Or what not. But after a stern warning, we never see her again. It was a shame. She had the potential to make the book more interesting.

I cannot wait to read more from her. She did Bliss proud. 
So I will say, don't let Bliss' actions from previous books prevent you from reading Merry Blissmas. I know a lot of readers said they didn't like her enough to read her book. That what she did was unforgiveable. But in a way, I think Bliss redeems herself. It also helps us understand her more. 
More importantly, it shows the loyalty the Last Riders have to one of their own. Even if she was kicked out. 


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