Tuesday 6 January 2015

The Game Plan: A neighbor from hell By R.L.Mathewson

The Game Plan 

Spend the next 40 years in prison or break her lease early? 

Normally she’d be able to say that this one was a no-brainer, but things have definitely changed since she was forced to move in across the hall from Danny Bradford. 

A lot of things…… 

She wanted to get through one day, just ONE day without Danny Bradford doing something to test the limits to her control, but with that damn smile of his and his habit of leaving her contemplating manslaughter, she didn’t see that happening anytime soon. 

He loved his family, but some days……. 

It was too much, but that was okay, because his small neighbor living across the hallway provided him with endless hours of entertainment. Not on purpose of course, but did it really matter as long she made him smile? 

I have been following this series for some time now and have read a few of them a couple of times. This one though has to be my favourite. I have never and I mean never laughed so hard in my life. I cried tears I laughed that hard in some places. 

The main female character is funny as hell, she lives across from Danny Bradford and we all know what that means for food ;) 
She is constantly complaining to Trevor, her landlord about his cousin and the things she wants to do. But she stays once Trevor gives her a hefty discount on her rent. 

The two end up having to share a shower after Zoe's food turns to acid, oh this scene is so funny LOL and well, there friendship kind of goes from here. 
I can't remember the females name, so I am sorry LOL, but anyway, she has a thing for thinking that the men in her life treat her like a kid sister, but the only one she feels that doesn't is Danny, but then she's scared to take a chance in case he does start to see her like that. Honestly, it's funny as hell, because it's actually her that places the men in her life as the big brother type so to speak and it's only until Danny mentions it that she realizes it herself. 

Oh and one more thing before you read this novel, DO NOT LET HER TAKE MEDICINE LOL!!! 
For those who have read this will understand, for those who don't read it so you will because it's the most funniest thing you'll ever read lol 


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